The Horses of Unbridled

Equine Education Center & Sanctuary in Norton Hill

(518) 966-0082

Lead With Your Heart, and Let Compassion Reign

The Horses of Unbridled rescues, revitalizes and rehomes horses through adoption, and we provide sanctuary for senior mares and horses with special needs. We are volunteer-run and donor-supported. We rely on donations, public support, grants, fundraising events, and merchandise sales to support our lifesaving ...
Our mission is to strengthen the horse-human bond through education, hands-on engagement, and opportunities for learners of all ages to discover who horses are as our companions, friends, and fellow sentient beings. To truly connect with horses in a meaningful way, we believe that we must nurture a deeper ...
For the Horses we redeem, we provide each with a safe space and the sacrosanct gift of time necessary to restore health, and to reclaim his or her dignity. Recovery from the mental and physical trauma that horses endure in cases of neglect, or while in the slaughter pipeline is long, arduous, and expensive. We ...

Our Reviews

Maureen Gannon

Unbridled (Susan Kayne) leadership and volunteers are horse first and hands-on with the beautiful creatures in their care. The best for the horses is what all visitors and volunteers learn first and foremost. The leadership of Unbridled work together to ensure a safe and consistent life for each horse. Their commitment is strong and something I greatly admire and recommend them without hesitation. Bless them and the work they do!


Areas Covered

Capital Region Hudson Valley

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